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Minor in Mathematics

Course Number and Title



MATH 307 Linear Algebra


MATH 202, 206, or 224

MATH 450 Seminar


Jr. or Sr. Status

Choose from the following:


MATH 201-202 Applied Calculus I-II


2 yrs. H.S. Algebra, 1 yr. H.S. Geometry


MATH 205-206 Calculus I & II


MATH 111 or Equivalent

Two courses from:



CS 302 Theory of Computation


MATH 224, 250

MATH 223 Discrete Mathematics I


3 years H.S. College Prep. Math

MATH 224 Discrete Mathematics II


MATH 223

MATH 305 Calculus III


MATH 206

MATH 308 Operations Res.


MATH 224

MATH 309 History of Math.


MATH 206 OR 202, and MATH 223

MATH 311 Modern Geometry


MATH 206, 223, 250

MATH 313 Differential Equations


MATH 305

MATH 317 Probability


MATH 223, 250; 202, or 206

MATH 318 Mathematical Statistics


MATH 305, 317

MATH 319 Number Theory


MATH 206, 223, 250

MATH 415 Abstract Algebra


MATH 223, 250, 307

MATH 417 Real Analysis


MATH 250, 305

Total Hours

16-20 hrs.


Courses and Descriptions

See CS Courses

See MATH Courses