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M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century (TL-21)

Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century (TL-21) is a graduate degree program designed to allow professional educators to tailor their graduate student to prepare them for the classroom of today and tomorrow. The goals of the program are to prepare the candidate to function effectively in today’s flexible educational setting. The program provides flexibility by allowing candidates to create content to meet their specific professional growth goals. Candidates can add certificates, endorsements or a selected program consisting of approved graduate courses and workshops.

Course Number and Title



Core courses:



Major Professional Courses:



EDFN 646 Education Assessment



EDFN 503 School & Society



EDCI 521 Technology for the 21st Century



Cognate Area



Advanced Field Practicum:



EDUC 710 Field Practicum in Education


21 hours w/ Core

Capstone (Choose One):



EDUC 781 Thesis Capstone in Educ.


21 hours w/ Core

EDUC 788 Capstone Inquiry Seminar


24 hours w/ Core

Total Hours

30-33 hrs.


Possible cognates: Technology, Educational Administration, Talent Development (Gifted), Reading & Literacy, TESOL, Politics/School Law, Educating Adolescents, Educational Research, The Hard to Reach Child. Possible cognates partnering with Ashland PDS:  School Treasurer, Culturally Relevant/Responsive Teaching, Learner Engagement, PBL, Assessment, Collaboration, Coaching/Mentoring, Career Readiness, Data. Design a cognate, which includes up to12 hours of acceptable transfer graduate Ashland University coursework that suit your professional needs and goals (Must have departmental approval). Up to 6 workshop hours, identified as components of the approved cognate, may be used in this program. Courses taken at Ashland must be less than 10 years old.

Courses and Descriptions

See EDCI Courses

See EDFN Courses

See EDUC Courses